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Grantees Map & List

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Grantee Amount
100 Rural Women
Project support to conduct research to support the work of the Minnesota Children's Press as part of the Broadband program in rural Minnesota
100 Rural Women
Project support for capacity building in rural Minnesota
Advocates For Family Peace
Operating support in 2022-23 to promote safety, equity and peace to families experiencing domestic abuse in Itasca County
Bemidji Community Arts Council
Operating support for the Miikanan Gallery in rural Minnesota
Bigfork Valley Foundation
Capital support for construction of community wellness spaces, public restrooms, and storage for the Edge Center for the Performing Arts at the Bigfork School in Itasca County
Blackberry Township
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Blackberry
Blackduck Area Seniors
Donation in support of Blackduck Area Senior Citizen's Center building signage in Itasca County.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids and Greenway
Project support for Family New Year's Eve event in Itasca County
Boys and Girls Club of the Leech Lake Area
Operating support for the Deer River unit of the Boys and Girls Club of the Leech Lake Area in Itasca County
Boys Club Of Duluth Inc
Project support for continued operating support of the Boys and Girls Club of Greenway and Grand Rapids in Itasca County
Buck Lake Improvement Club
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Buck Lake Area
Cass County Economic Development Corp
Donation in support of economic development support in rural Minnesota
Children's Mental Health Services/REACH
Donation in support of the 9th Annual Stomp on Stigma 5k in Itasca County
City of Aitkin
Project support for development costs associated with a Community Park and Fieldhouse in rural Minnesota
City of Bigfork
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Bigfork
City of Bovey
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Bovey
City of Calumet
Capital support to establish the "Take a Five" gathering and learning space for individuals using the Mesabi trail in Itasca County
City of Cohasset
Project support for building a new playground at the school and community center site in Cohasset in Itasca County
City of Coleraine
Capital support to upgrade the roof and entryway of the Coleraine Public Library in Itasca County
City of Coleraine
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Coleraine
City of Deer River
Capital support to upgrade and renovate the White Oak buildings for community use in the Itasca County area
City of Deer River
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Deer River
City of Effie
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Effie
City of Fergus Falls
Project support for Ferber Park Project as part of the Blandin Leadership Grants program in rural Minnesota
City of Fosston
Project support to establish a physical location for the Fosston Arts and Culture Commission as part of the Blandin Leadership Grant Program in rural Minnesota
City of Grand Rapids
Donation in support of the Annual Independence Day celebration in Itasca County
City of Grand Rapids
Project support to research and market the impact of Minnesota's Automated Rural Transit Initiative as part of the Broadband program in Itasca County.
City of Grand Rapids
Project support for a pilot project to test the technological, social, economic, and environmental viability of operating a Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) service in Itasca County.
City of Keewatin
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Keewatin
City of LaPrairie
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in LaPrairie
City of Madison
Project support for the development of outdoor assets of instruments and equipment for The Grand Park in rural Minnesota.
City of Marble
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Marble
City of Nashwauk
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in City of Nashwauk
City of Northome
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Northome
City of Plainview
Project support for community tree restoration project as part of the Blandin Leadership Grant Program in rural Minnesota
City of Squaw Lake
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in City of Squaw Lake
Community Action Center of Northfield, Inc.
Project support to develop a Mobile Food Distribution program as part of the Blandin Leadership Grant program in rural Minnesota
Community Cafe
Operating support in 2022-2023 to help reduce hunger in Itasca County
Donation in support of the Empower CF 2021 Virtual Conference in rural Minnesota
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
Operating support in 2022-23 to produce Native Report in rural Minnesota
Elder Circle / Grand Rapids Centennial Rotary
Donation in support of the 2021 Community Thanksgiving Dinner in Itasca County.
Operating support in 2022-23 for ElderCircle and the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County
Face it Together Bemidji
Project support for organizational development and capacity building in rural Minnesota
First Call for Help of Itasca County
Project support for capacity building to support technology and financial management upgrades in Itasca County
First Call for Help of Itasca County
Operating support in 2022-23 for information and referral services in Itasca County
Forward Health Foundation
Donation in support of Party in the Park community event in Itasca County
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
Operating support in 2022-23 for the Girl Scouts program in Itasca County
Grace House of Itasca County
Operating support in 2022-23 to provide shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness in Itasca County
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
Project support to create a fund for community projects in Inger in Itasca County
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
Project support to grow its operating endowment in Itasca County
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
Project support for operating support in 2022 in Itasca County
Grand Rapids Arts
Donation in support of First Friday Art Walk live music events in Itasca County
Grand Rapids Players
Project support to produce "Hamlet...Mostly" in Itasca County
Grand Rapids Summer Celebration Inc
Donation in support of Tall Timber Days 2021 event in Itasca County
Grand Rapids Yellow Ribbon Citizens Committee
Donation in support of Itasca Area Veterans and National Guard members in Itasca County
Great Minds Learning Center
Project support for capacity building to research grant resources for financial sustainability in the Itasca Area
Habitat for Humanity of Itasca County
Operating support in 2022-23 for the local Habitat for Humanity organization in Itasca County
Harris Township
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Harris Township
Harvest Nation, Inc.
Project support for capacity building and proof of concept for establishing a Native owned aeroponic farm in rural Minnesota
HAVEN A Place for All
project support to sponsor the second annual Community Pride Picnic in Itasca County
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Hibbing
Project support for creating learning spaces and 7th avenue broadband expansion as part of the Broadband program in rural Minnesota
Immigrant Law Center of MN
Operating support in 2021 and 2022 to Immigrant Law Center in rural Minnesota
Independent School District 2
Operating support for the Early Start program in 2021 and 2022 in the Itasca Area
Invest Early
Project support to Itasca Area Schools Collaborative for Invest Early program operations in Year 17 (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022) in Itasca County
Iron Range Tourism Bureau
Project support for internet upgrades and networking events to attract and welcome new residents to the city of Virginia as part of the Broadband program in rural Minnesota
Iron Range Tourism Bureau
Project support to improve community vitality by upgrading Hibbing's downtown sound system and creating playlists to showcase local musicians as part of the Broadband Program in rural Minnesota.
ISD 317 Deer River
Donation in support of Deer River High School's 2021 post prom event in Itasca County
Itasca Area Schools Collaborative
Project support for ongoing operating in 2021-2022 in Itasca County
Itasca Chapter Let's Go Fishing With Sen
Donation in support of Let's Go Fishing community event in Itasca County
Itasca Community College
Operating support for financial aid programs for the 2021-22 academic year for students primarily in the Itasca County area
Itasca Community Connect
Donation in support of the Community Connect event in Itasca County
Itasca County Agricultural Association
Donation in support of children's education programs in Itasca County
Itasca County Sheriff's Office
Project support for Fill the Boat Christmas Gift Drive in Itasca County
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
Program-related investment (loan) for the COVID-19 Itasca Small Business Relief Fund II in Itasca County.
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
Project support for infrastructure and capacity building in 2021 and 2022 in Itasca County
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
Project support to extend the impact of Itasca County's particiaption in Launch MN as part of the Broadband program in Itasca County
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
Project support to promote an Innovation Center to provide education and training to area students and community members as part of the Broadband Program in Itasca County.
Itasca Hospice Foundation
Project support for operating and training support during the COVID-19 health and economic crisis in Itasca County
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
Operating support in 2022-23 to provide orchestral music education and programming to adults and youth in Itasca County
Judy Garland Children's Museum
Operating support in 2022-23 to continue and broaden the school service program in Itasca County
Kerkhoven Lions Club Foundation
Project support to establish a local arts council as part of the Blandin Leadership Grants program in rural Minnesota
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
Operating support for hosting the Community Action Team and building and growing its impact in Itasca County
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
Operating support for housing development capacity building in 2022 and 2023 in rural Minnesota
Lake Region Healthcare Foundation
Project support for community wellness as part of the Blandin Leadership Grant program in rural Minnesota
Lead for America
Project support for Lead for Minnesota to expand and enrich leadership education for host sites and fellows across Native Nations and throughout rural Minnesota
LEAP, Inc.
Project support for a feasibilty study for a downtown performing arts venue in Staples as part of the Blandin Community Leadership program in rural Minnesota
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Project support to Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe for families in need during the COVID-19 health pandemic in Itasca County and Leech Lake in rural Minnesota
Leech Lake Financial Services, Inc.
Project support to support an Indigenous Art Festival in rural Minnesota
Leech Lake Tribal College
Project support for student support in rural Minnesota
MacRostie Art Center
Operating support in 2022-23 to provide visual arts and educational programming to residents in Itasca County
Marcell Family Center, Inc
Operating support in 2022-23 for the family center program in Itasca County
Minnesota Children's Press
Project support to deliver broadband education services throughout the Arrowhead region as part of the Broadband program in rural Minnesota
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Inc
Project support for 2021 membership assistance in rural Minnesota
Minnesota Council on Foundations
Project support for membership assistance in 2022 in rural Minnesota.
Nashwauk Township
Capital support for construction of a community playground in Itasca County
Nashwauk Township
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Nashwauk Township
Native Governance Center
Project support for the We Are Still Here Initiative in rural Minnesota
Native Governance Center
Program support to promote a Native nation rebuilding movement, including leadership development, direct tribal governance support, and community engagement in rural Minnesota.
Niibi Center
Operating support for language and cultural revitalization in rural Minnesota
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
Operating support for the Entrepreneur Fund for capacity growth for serving BIPOC, women, and rural entrepreneurs in rural Minnesota
Northern Community Radio KAXE
Operating support in 2022-23 to provide news and information to residents in Itasca County
Northern Lights Community School
Project support for restorative conferencing training in Itasca County
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
Operating support in 2022-23 for programming and services in the northern rural region of Minnesota
Northland Area Family Service Center
Operating support for the Northland Early Childhood Collaborative in 2022 and 2023 in the Itasca County Area
Northland Foundation
Project support for the Rural Equitable Development group in rural Minnesota
Northland Foundation
Project support to boost small business through one-on-one social media and business technology consulting services in the Arrowhead as part of the Broadband Program in rural Minnesota.
Northland Foundation
Project support to Northland Foundation as fiscal agent for the Upper Midwest Film Office for capacity building over 18 months in rural Minnesota.
Northspan Group, Inc.
Project support to create Welcoming Community program as part of the Broadband program in rural Minnesota
Prairie Pines Childcare Center
Project support for establishing a nonprofit childcare center in as part of the Blandin Leadership Grant Program in rural Minnesota
Range Association of Municipalities & Schools
Project support to map wireless broadband network for highest coverage for studnets as part of the Broadband program in rural Minnesota
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
Project support for language and cultural preservation by Red Lake elders as part of the Blandin Reservation Community Leadership program in rural Minnesota
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
Project support for key elements of launching a new Indigenous charter school including curriculum development, board training, and staff/student recruitment in rural Minnesota.
Reif Arts Council
Project support for continued support in 2022 and 2023 in Itasca County
S Lake Local Indian Council
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in S Lake Community
Saluting Community Heroes
Project support to implement a mobile food and household items distribution program as part of the Blandin Leadership Program in rural Minnesota
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
Operating support in 2022-23 for Food Bank operations in Itasca County
Smart North
Project support to implement the smart street lights pilot project as part of the Broadband program in Itasca County
Special Olympics Minnesota
Operating support in 2022-23 for the Special Olympics program in Itasca County
Support Within Reach
Operating support in 2022-23 to assist victims of sexual violence in Itasca County
The Lighthouse Center For Vital Living
Project support to alleviate social isolation by promoting broadband connectivity and use among rural Arrowhead seniors as part of the Broadband Program in rural Minnesota.
Township of Marcell
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Marcell
Trout Lake Township
Project support for Itasca Area Small Communities Development in Trout Lake Township
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
Operating support in 2022-23 for administration in Itasca County
United Way of the Brown County Area, Inc
Project support for 2021 Rural Equity Summit to help speakers share stories of equity and inclusion work taking place throughout rural Minnesota.
University of Minnesota Foundation
Donation in support of the Native American Economic Growth 2021 virutal conference in rural Minnesota
Voices for Racial Justice
Project support to help establish Seeds of Justice as a 501c3 and to continue with capacity building in rural Minnesota.
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
Operating support in 2022-23 for Boy Scout programming in Itasca County
Wabasha Main Street
Project support for Community Roots mural project as part of the Blandin Leadership Grants program in rural Minnesota
Wisdom Steps
Project support for Native American elder organizational development as part of the Blandin Reservation Community Leadership Program in rural Minnesota
Zeitgeist Center for Arts and Community
Project support for capacity building to support the launch of the Northland Film School and the Northland Film Festival on the Iron Range in rural Minnesota
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