Week 3: October 19-23
Monday, October 19
Digital Office Hours: Creative Connections via Interactive Zoom Programming with Maria Genné, Parker Genné, Lynnea Doublette, and Cristopher Anderson, Kairos Alive! | Session notes and recording
Broadband 101: What You Should Expect From Your Broadband Provider by Kristi Westbrock, CTC | Session notes and recording
Tuesday, October 20
Digital Office Hours: Office of Broadband Development Overview of Interactive Map of Broadband Deployment with Diane Wells, Minnesota Office of Broadband Development | Session notes and recording
Broadband 101: Rights of Way Management for Efficient Fiber Deployment by Ken Demlow, HR Green | Session notes and recording
Wednesday, October 21
Smaller Places, Bigger Opportunities presentation from the ICF Virtual Summit
Digital Office Hours: Telehealth: The Pandemic Shift by Mary DeVany, Great Plains Telehealth Resource and Assistance Center | Session notes and recording
Broadband 101: Conducting Feasibility Studies by Mark Mrla, Finley Engineering | Session notes and recording
Thursday, October 22
Digital Office Hours: Partnership for a ConnectedMN | Session notes and recording
Broadband 101: Creative Partnerships in Cooperative Broadband by Kristy Szabo, VantagePoint | Session notes and recording
Friday, October 23
Book Club: Thank You for Being Late by Tom Friedman
Hosted by Global Minnesota | Session notes and recording
Digital Office Hours: Community Technology Empowerment Project (CTEP) AmeriCorps program by Joel Krogstad, CTEP Program Director | Session notes and recording
Broadband 101: Federal Broadband Funding Overview by Jessica Zufolo, Magellan | Session notes and recording