Week 1: October 6-8
Tuesday, October 6
9:00 am Welcome
9:30 am
Digital Showcase | Session notes and recordingA series of fast-moving presentations and demos by people from around the state who are using technology and the internet in innovative ways. Hear what they have to say and ask your questions!
11:20 Wrap-up and Adjourn
Wednesday, October 7
Welcome Minnesota Governor’s Task Force on Broadband!
9:00 am Welcome
9:20 Border-to-Border Broadband Development Fund Grantee Presentations
Hear about how Minnesota Border-to-Border Broadband grants impacted Rock County and Melrose | Session notes and recording
10:20 Breakout Sessions with Task Force Subcommittees | Session notes and recordings
Economic Development
MN Model
11:00 am
From Digital Infrastructure to Transformation: Leveraging Broadband for Community Economic Development by Roberto Gallardo, Ph.D., Director, Purdue Center for Regional Development; and C&RE Specialist, Purdue Extension, W Lafayette, IN | Session notes and recording
12:00 pm Wrap-up and Adjourn
Thursday, October 8
9:00 am Welcome
9:30 am
Bringing Broadband to Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges Post-Pandemic by Shirley Bloomfield, CEO of NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association, Arlington, VA | Session notes and recording
10:45 Mentor Session I
11:20 Mentor Session II
11:45 Wrap-Up and Adjourn