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Jenna Ihle

Scholarship Data Specialist

I grew up in Swatara, in a home where three generations of my family were raised. During my teenage years, my family moved to Hill City. I truly appreciate that I was able to grow up in the area where my family has resided for so many years. This has allowed me to develop a strong connection to my family heritage as well as a true appreciation for rural living. I love living rural because of the land, the strong sense of community, the small businesses, and my educational experience. My family has owned a small business in Hill City since 1991. Needless to say, small businesses have a special place in my heart because I’m familiar with the hard work and time that they require. As for my education, I went to a school that is preschool through 12th grade and I’m extremely grateful that I did. I was able to get the help, attention, and support that I needed to do well academically. I’m also thankful for the people that I know because of the school that I went to.

After high school, my education stayed rural. I attended Itasca Community College where I received my associates degree in engineering. Then I transferred to Iron Range Engineering, a satellite program of Minnesota State University Mankato, where I received my bachelor’s degree in engineering.

Today, I’m a member of the Foundation’s information systems and technology team. I’m responsible for the administration of all scholarship program data. This includes developing reports, managing application data and ensuring accuracy and confidentiality throughout the process. My other focus areas include creating the application, providing technical support, and coordinating with educational institutions. I also work closely with the finance team on processing and verifying scholarships.

I’m proud of where I come from, and the life experiences rural living has given me. I’m looking forward to advocating for the people in our community by providing support, ideas and direction with the data collected. I believe that if someone has a desire to learn, finances should not be a barrier. With that being said, I understand that education should hold the utmost value because investing in the people in our community is investing in the future of our community.

Contact Jenna Ihle

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